Friday, January 22, 2016

We have family up for a visit! Pizza at Sam & Ellis for supper, yummy!  Sunday is dear hubby's birthday.  We're going to the casino for buffet for his party and then home for cake.  As soon as company leaves I hope to post better.

Kitty  Kisses

Sunday, January 17, 2016

This is my very first post of my new blog!  This is very exciting and a little scary, but mostly exciting,  My name is Lori and I live in North East Oklahoma with my Husband and our cats.  We have 8 in the house (sounds like a lot but it's a big old house) and 3 outside cats.

I wanted to start this blog many times but was actually too shy and scared to do it.  Those who know me in person would have trouble believing that but when you put it in writing for anyone to read it is a little daunting. 

I will be posting stories, recipes, cat stories and maybe some crafty things.  Hopefully anyone reading this will laugh along with me as I keep a diary of sorts.

My friend is always telling me I should write things down, so I took her up on it.  I got a Surface Pro3 for Christmas so bear with me as I try to figure this thing out!

Have a Happy Sunday!

Kitty Kisses,